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Guardrails & Safety Gates
:: #DB.7900065: 8 ft. Portable Guard Rail Section White
Guardrails & Safety Gates
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#DB.7900065: 8 ft. Portable Guard Rail Section White
8 foot portable safety guardrail section powder coated safety white * Fall protection in its simplest form with no special training or gear to wear * A totally free standing, portable fall prevention system that requires no surface attachment * Skid resistant bases are the lightest in the industry, light enough for one worker to move * Bases incorporate built-in directional changes for rails offering continuous protection * Fast and easy installation – simply insert railing into base fitting and tighten * Durable UV resistant finish on all components and available in 6, 8 and 10 foot lengths Eliminates the Fall Hazard When we talk about fall protection, the image that often comes to mind is a worker using a full body harness connected to an anchor point with a lanyard, in other words, a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS). PFAS are actually one of the later choices in a comprehensive fall protection program. Your first step should be trying to eliminate the fall hazard altogether. This may be accomplished with a modification to the job description, work process and/or work area to eliminate the need to work at height. The next step is to use fall prevention systems such as DBI/SALA’s Portable Guard Rail system. This system acts as a barrier that prevents personnel from falling to lower levels, thus eliminating the fall hazard. Where suitable, they protect the greatest number of employees with little or no training, no special maintenance and no special gear. Provides Versatility and Jobsite Flexibility Whether you are setting up the guardrail around the perimeter of a roof or closing off a wall opening, the system will prevent personnel from falling to the lower level. The system can be used for unprotected roof edges, floor hatchways or chutes, leading edge, around skylites, truck or rail docks, floor or wall openings, wells, pits, shafts, manholes and more. Ease-of-Installation Once the bases are located in the proper position, insert the guardrail sections into the base plate’s fitting and torque the set screws. The set screw design offers added stability and no “wobble” typically associated with pinned designs. Installation is quick and easy with no special tools required.
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Model: #DB.7900065:
This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 19 January, 2008.
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